2Dorothy H. Evensen & Cindy E. Hmdo (2000) 《Problem- based Learning. A Research Perspective on Learning Interactions》Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers Mahwah, New Jersey. 被引量:1
3David Boud & Grahame Feletti (1991) 《The Challenge of Problem- based Learning》 First Published in Great Britain by Kogon Page Limited. 被引量:1
4James Rhem, Executive Editor "Problem- Based Learning: An Introduction" Published by Oryx Press, an imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., in conjunction with James Rhem & Associates, In. (ISSN 1057-2880). 被引量:1
5Professor C. Y. Kwan. Department of Pharmacology "What is Problem- Based Learning (PBL)? It is magic, myth and mindset". 被引量:1