Before 1994, the local government of China possessed a large number of financial resources while the central government only occupied a little. Under this background, the central government of China started to implement the Tax-share Reform. This reform readjusted the financial and administrative power relations between the central and local government. Undoubtedly, the decrease in the government revenue exerted an effect on the behavior of local government which began to focus on the extra-budgetary and extra-institutional revenue. Mean- while, for the sake of restraining these phenomena, the central government carried out a series of rules and regula- tions. This gradually resulted in the intensification of vertical tax competition between the central and local govern- ment. What' s more, it is obvious that China has experienced the stage of continuous rapid growth in the tax reve- nue since the Tax-share Reform in 1994. This paper attempts to find out whether the degree of intergovernmental vertical tax competition will influence the tax growth. If so, what the current condition is in China. Based on the current situation in China, this paper establishes a model and introduces the equilibrium analysis method so as to analyze the impact of intergovernmental vertical tax competition on the tax growth. According to the study of Edwards & Keen (1996) and Keen & Kotsogiannis (2002), this paper introduces a quasi-linear utility function to describe the utility of the representative consumer. In order to simplify the analysis, the paper sets a hy- pothesis that there is only one local government in the economic entity. It is demonstrated that the impact of interg- overnmental vertical tax competition on the tax growth exists from the perspective of the tax-sharing proportion and the constraint degree of the local government behavior in pursuing the revenue. The impact can be divided into two parts: one is the effect of the tax-sharing proportion and the constraint degree on the tax growth respectivel
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
vertical tax competition
tax growth
equilibrium analysis
dynamic panel data