
人称“聚合结构”理论的汉语视角 被引量:7

Sinitic perspectives on the paradigmatic structure of person marking
摘要 基于对汉语各主要方言的调查,作者发现汉语人称系统的涉数结构存在一定差异,并可依据第一人称范畴的精细度不同形成排列。这与Cysouw(2000,2009)关于"人称标记聚合结构"在共时分布或历时演变上大致遵循的"第一人称等级序列"类型学发现基本相符。然而,汉语人称系统的一些特点,如包括式的形成平行于从"统一复数式"到排除式的演变,进而在人称系统中形成"非互补性"分布格局,则需要在当前类型学理论的参照下,从汉语的视角作出阐释。 Based on a survey of major Chinese dialects,the author finds that there are some structural differences among Chinese person systems with regard to number.These structures can be ordered in accordance with the explicitness of the first person category.The finding is substantially in line with the First Person Hierarchy(Cysouw2000,2009),where paradigmatic structures of person marking are aligned in terms of their synchronic distribution or diachronic connection.However,in light of the current typological theory,some characteristics of Chinese person system,e.g.the formation of inclusives,which parallels the development from unified-we to exclusives forming patterns of 'non-complementary' distribution in a system,have a claim to further consideration from Sinitic perspectives.
作者 吴建明
机构地区 福建师范大学
出处 《当代语言学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期393-404,500,共12页 Contemporary Linguistics
基金 法国高等社会科学院Sinotype项目(ERC AdvancedGrant 230388) 福建师范大学科研启动基金的资助
关键词 人称 汉语 包括式 类型学 person number Chinese inclusiveness typology
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