
民族地区教育公平问题研究--基于2011年广西调查数据的实证分析 被引量:13

A Study on the Fairness of Education in Ethnic Minority Areas in China:Based on the Survey Data from Guangxi in 2011
摘要 本文利用2011年对广西壮族自治区调查的微观数据,应用基尼系数分析法和泰尔指数分解法,研究了我国民族地区的教育公平问题。结果发现,广西的总教育基尼系数处在比较公平的范围之内。而且改革开放以来,广西的教育基尼系数还出现了逐步下降的趋势。从各民族内部情况来看,少数民族内部的教育不公平程度要略高于汉族。在影响教育不公平的诸多因素中,少数民族内部的教育差异是其中最重要的因素。具体来说,广西少数民族女性内部的教育差异大于男性,少数民族农村居民内部的教育差异要大于城镇居民。分年龄段看,少数民族60后、70后的内部教育差异较大。因此,努力解决少数民族内部的教育不公问题应当作为民族地区实现教育公平的重点,要尽快缩小少数民族人口在城乡、性别以及代际之间的教育差距。同时,还应该特别关注少数民族女性的教育问题。 The paper studies the fairness of education in ethnic minority areas in China by the method of the Gini coefficient Analysis and the Theil Index Decomposition based on the survey data from Guangxi in 2011.A conclusion may be drawn that the education Gini coefficient from Guangxi has shown the fairness of education in general especially since the Reform and Opening.However,there are some unfairness of education in those areas.The unfairness of education in the local ethnic minorities is slightly higher than that in the local Han people.The education difference of the local ethnic minorities becomes one of the most important factors which lead to the unfairness of education.Specifically,in the local ethnic minorities,the education difference of the female is higher than that of the male,and the education difference of the rural inhabitants is higher than that of the urban inhabitants.In addition,in the local ethnic minorities,there is a big education difference between the people who were born in 1960s and the people who were born in 1970s.So,more attentions should be paid to the fairness of education of the local ethnic minorities.That is to say,in the local ethnic minorities,the education difference between city and village,between male and female,between the people who were born in 1960s and the people who were born in 1970s should be decreased as soon as possible,as well as the education of the local female ethnic minorities should be enhanced in particular.
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期35-44,124,共10页 Ethno-National Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“构建和谐劳动关系研究”(项目编号:12&ZD094) 对外经济贸易大学校级科研课题“职业教育的扶贫效应研究”(项目编号:12YBJJX10) 中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所民族经济研究室创新项目“民族地区经济发展与民族关系研究”的阶段性研究成果
关键词 民族地区 教育公平 基尼系数 泰尔指数 ethnic minority areas fairness of education Gini coefficient Theil Index.
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