随着近年来我国自然灾害与矿山安全事故的频繁发生,由其造成的人员伤亡和经济损失也妨碍了我国的发展与进步。尤其是矿山安全事故,其复杂性和险恶性,在一定程度上也阻碍了救援人员的指挥工作。如何快速、准确的实施救援行动,是我国亟待解决的一个重要难题。在煤矿中运用对称性数字用户环路(Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line.SDSL多媒体技术,旨在提高我国矿山事故的救援水平。
With the recent years, China's natural disasters and mine safety accidents occur frequently, casualties and economic losses caused by the hinder China's development and progress. Especially mine safety accidents, complexity and sinister, in a certain extent, also hindered the work of the command of the rescue workers. How fast and accurate implementation of the rescue operations, is an important problem to be solved in China. Therefore, the author in the coal mines use symmetric digital subscriber loop (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line, SDSL) multimedia technology, designed to improve the level of China's mine accident rescue
Coal Technology