《水泥花园》(The Cement Garden)是麦克尤恩创作的第一部长篇小说。该作品通过少年杰克的第一人称视角,讲述了他们兄妹四人在父母双亡后的成长悲剧。本文欲从拉康的主体和欲望理论入手,通过分析主人公的内心世界,发现导向其成长畸变的逻辑合理性。水泥花园中的孩子们并没有不受约束的自由主体和欲望,而是早已被既定的社会规范所塑造;他们与世隔绝的成长,其实是对未完成的教化的歪曲模仿。他们试图维持原有的秩序,却成了秩序的破坏者,最终无法在被社会抛弃的命运中维持这场迷梦,而只能为自己的困惑背负违反社会伦理的惩罚。因此本文认为,在许多批评中备受责备的主人公,在这场乱伦悲剧中既是行为人,也是受害人,是困于主体欲望和社会秩序中无法自拔的迷失者。
Ian McEwan's early work The Cement Gardenis a first person narration about how four children are caught up in the struggle between the spree of their sudden freedom and the social mores they have not yet fully acquired.In this extremely isolated environment which deprives the children of any normal relationship with people outside the family,they finally commit incest for their wrong identification of the self.Using the framework of Lacan's theory of subject and desire,this essay tries to analyze the inner world of the protagonists and the logic necessity of the tragedy.The children in the novel,despite of the incest they commit,are after all victims who are trapped in their confused desire and misrecognized social orders.
Foreign Literature