1Mary Taylor I-luber and Nancy C.Lutkehaus, "Introduction :Gendered Missions at Home and Abroad'An Mary Taylor Huber and Nancy C.Lutkehaus (ed.),Gendered Missions---Women and Men in Missionary Discourse and Practice, Michigan :The University of Michigan Press, 1999, p.8 ,p.9. 被引量:1
6Ecumenical Missionary Conference New York, 1900, New York:American Tract Society;London:Religious Tract Society, 1900,p.104-105 ,p.106-110,p. 114. 被引量:1
7The General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai May 10-24,1877,Shanghai :Presbyterian Mission Press, 1877, p.140. 被引量:1
8Ida Belle Lewis,The education of Girls in China, NewYork:Trachers College , Columbia University, 1919, p.24. 被引量:1
9Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Mis- sionaries of China Held at Shanghai May 7-20, 1890, Shanghai American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1890, p.260,p.261. 被引量:1
1Martin Pugh,Women And The Women's Movement in Britian 1914-1959.p.90.Macumillan. 被引量:1