
“中国 美国 新加坡”小学数学教材中的“分数定义” 被引量:18

Definitions of Fractions in Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks of Singapore, the United States and China
摘要 选取中国、新加坡、美国的小学数学主流教材,比较教材中分数定义的相关内容.发现3个国家教材中出现的定义种类大体相同,都包含4种:份数定义、商的定义、数线定义、比的定义,但定义的表征形式及呈现顺序有很大不同,对中国的教材编写及教学设计有一定的借鉴意义. We selected the elementary school mathematics mainstream textbooks in three countries: Singapore, the United States and China, and compared the definitions of fractions in these three different textbooks. It is found that the types of fraction definitions are much the same in these three textbooks. All of them contain four categories: the definition as parts of a whole, the definition as quotient, definition as number line, the definition as ratio, but the representative forms and orders on fraction definitions in three textbooks are very different. It is worthy of learning from the differences in our compilation of textbooks and mathematics teaching.
作者 蒲淑萍
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2013年第4期21-24,70,共5页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 山东省社科课题——中国与美国、新加坡小学数学主流教材的对比研究(10JYZ05)
关键词 分数定义 呈现顺序 表征形式 比较研究 definitions of fractions order of presentation forms of representations comparative study
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