
电解铝企业碳排放清单开发技术体系的研究与应用 被引量:2

Study and Application of the Carbon Emission Inventory Technology System for Electrolytic Aluminum Enterprise
摘要 针对目前我国没有规范、统一的电解铝企业碳排放清单编制方法的现状,基于国际组织层面与区域层面碳排放清单编制的相关原则性规定,以我国典型大型电解铝企业为对象,剖析现代电解铝生产工艺,开发可成功编制电解铝企业碳排放清单的技术体系,并进行了简单应用.结果表明,该技术体系可为电解铝企业碳排放清单的编制工作提供支撑,并为国内建立电解铝生产碳排放统计、监测与考核指标体系提供借鉴.另外,通过该技术体系的应用,提出以火电为主的电源结构,将导致电解铝企业在对外贸易中面临"碳壁垒"的严峻挑战,期望引起业内企业的关注. Since there is no standardized and unified methods of carbon emission inventory measurement for electrolytic aluminum enterprise (EAT) in China at present, the paper analyzed the modern production process and developed a carbon emission inventory technology system for EAT based on the related principle of carbon emission inventory at the international organization and regional level. This technology system was further applied to the typical electrolytic aluminium enterprise. The results showthat the technical system can provide support for the carbon emission inventory measurement of EAT, and can provide reference for establishing tstatistics, monitoring and assessment indicator system of domestic EAT. In addition, through the application of this technology system, the author suggested that the "Carbon Barrier" in foreign trade, would be the huge challenge, should be given the great attention for the domestic EAT based on the fossil-fired power as main electricity source.
出处 《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第2期182-187,共6页 Journal of Ningxia University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技支撑计划基金资助项目(2012BAH10F04) 宁夏科技攻关计划基金资助项目(KGZ-07-10-02)
关键词 电解铝 碳排放清单 碳壁垒 electrolytic aluminum carbon emission lnventory carbon barrier.
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