目的:探索大鼠结肠部分切除术后,水通道蛋白(aquaporin,AQP)3、8、9在剩余结肠黏膜中的表达变化.方法:健康成年SD大鼠32只,随机分为对照组、实验组,各16只;对照组为假手术组;实验组全麻下距回盲部5.0 cm处切除约2/3结肠,6/0无创伤缝线间断单层端端吻合肠管,术后禁食、水24 h,然后正常喂养;检测粪便含水量情况;实验组术后14和28 d随机处死各6只,提取结肠黏膜,冻存待检;对照组假手术后28d全部处死,提取结肠黏膜,冻存待检;按RTPCR方法检测结肠黏膜AQP3、8、9 mRNA的表达情况.结果:(1)实验组大鼠术后粪便含水量增加;(2)对照组、实验组术后第14天和术后第28天目的基因条带与内参条带灰度值之比平均值分别为:AQP3为0.352、0.425、0.614(P<0.01);AQP8为0.425、0.518、0.733(P<0.01);AQP9为0.422、0.516、0.632(P<0.01).结论:(1)结肠大部切除术后粪便含水量增加,术后时间延长,粪便含水量开始减少;(2)剩余结肠AQP3、8、9表达量增加,在一定程度上加速了结肠对水分的吸收.
AIM: To examine the expression of Aquaporins (AQPs) 3, 8 and 9 in the residual colonic mucosa of rats with extensive colon resection. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy adult SD rats were randomly and equally divided into either a control group or an experimental group. Un- der general anesthesia, thirds of the colon was resection of about two- performed 5.0 cm from the ileocecal junction, followed by an end-to-end anastomosis with a single-layer 6/0 polypropyl- ene suture. The animals were allowed to eat 24 h after the surgery, and the water content of feces was determined. Rats of the experimental group were killed on days 14 and 28 after surgery, and those of the control group were killed on day 28 to take colonic mucosal samples. RT-PCR was used to determine the expression of AQPs 3, 8 and 9. RESULTS: After surgery, the water content of feces increased. The relative expression levels of AQPs 3, 8 and 9 were significantly lower in the control group (day 28) than in the experimental group (days 14 and 28) (AQP3: 0.352, 0.425 vs 0.614, both P 〈 0.01; AQP8: 0.425, 0.518 vs 0.733, both P 〈 0.01; AQP9: 0.422, 0.516 vs 0.632, both P 〈 0.01). CONCLUSION: After extensive colon resection, expression of AQPs 3, 8 and 9 in the remaining colon increases, which may accelerate the ab- sorption of water and increase the moisture of feces.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology