
随机需求下基于供应中断的备份供应商决策分析 被引量:6

Performance Analysis of Back Supplier for Supply Disruptions with Stochastic Demand
摘要 假定需求服从随机分布,研究由零售商主导的供应链中,采用一个战略供应商和一个备份供应商模式,零售商与备份供应商通过能力期权建立订货契约:首先,零售商向备份供应商预订能力,支付预订成本;接着,向战略供应商订货,如果没有发生突发事件则其供货量等于订货量,否则供货量变为零;然后,零售商基于战略供应商的供货量和备份供应商的能力预订确定向备份供应商的订货量,支付执行成本;最后,零售商用战略供应商和备份供应商的总供货量满足顾客需求。备份供应商在考虑自己的能力维持成本和制造成本后决定是否接受零售商提供的能力期权契约。针对零售商可选择的四种不同策略,求得采取不用策略所满足的条件,并给出相应的最优订货量、能力预订量和能力执行量和最优利润等的解析解。 Optimal ordering mechanisms are designed based on options contracts for a triadic supply chain, in which a leading retailer can sequentially source from a primary supplier and a backup supplier to satisfy customer stochastic demand. First, the retailer pays reservation fee for reserved capacity at the beginning in return for the delivery of any desired portion of the reserved capacity to pay the executive cost in order to mitigate some kind of risk of supply disruption of primary supplier with all-or-nothing type of the supply availability structure, in which the primary supplier does not deliver anything or carries out the full delivery desired. Furthermore, the backup supplier decides whether or not to accept the alternative contract considering his capacity setup cost and productibn cost. Moreover, the closed solutions to optimal ordering quantity, optimal profit and preservation and execu- tion quantity of four different ordering decisions are derived.
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期42-49,共8页 Operations Research and Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(70732003) 国家社会科学基金资助项目(12CGL042) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20100470695) 教育部人文社科基金资助项目(10YJC630129) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2010GQ005) 山东省高等学校人文社会科学研究项目(J10WG06)
关键词 应急管理 供应中断 能力期权 随机需求 emergency management supply disruptions capacity options contract stochastic demand
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