设备与设备外部的管道相互作用,会对设备管口产生一个作用力,运行时设备管口的受力不能超过设备的允许值,因此设备管口受力值的准确计算很重要。化工设备有多种形式,但按设备内部管道可分为三种典型形式:直管、U型管和环管。文章以某项目的三种典型设备为例,应用CAESAR II应力计算软件中的"虚拟刚体"对设备进行模拟,并在此模型上,增加设备管口的约束条件。完成后的模型将设备与管道连成了一个整体,能直接计算设备滑动端的位移,也能在计算中考虑设备管口的约束条件。通过对设备热胀位移的计算验证了模型的准确性,计算结果体现了设备与管道的相互作用,并能同时计算多个工况的受力值,因此能提供更准确的设备管口载荷。
Interaction between equipment and outer piping will create an acting force to the nozzle on equipment.This force cannot exceed an allowable value for this equipment,thus,the accurate calculation of the force acting on nozzle is important.Although there are various equipment types,for inner tube,there are three typical shapes-straight tube,U shaped tube and ring shaped tube. In this paper,exampled with three typical equipment,by using "dummy rigid" defined in software CAESARII,the equipment were simulated.In these models,constraints were added,in which equipment and piping was connected into whole body,so that the displacement of sliding end in equipment can be calculated on the basis of taking account of the constraints on the nozzles in equipment.Through the calculation of thermal displacement,the correctness of model was verified,and the result reflected the interaction between equipment and piping.With this model,multi working conditions can be calculated,then more accurate nozzle force value will be resulted and provided.
Process Equipment & Piping