
旋纹潜蛾的生物学及综合防治 被引量:1

Bionomics and integrated control of the pear leaf blister moth, Leucoptera malifoliella ( Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)
摘要 旋纹潜蛾Leucoptera malifoliella(Costa)是苹果和梨上一种偶发性害虫。本文依据文献和我们的研究,综述了旋纹潜蛾的分布与危害、寄主植物、形态、习性、天敌和防治技术。旋纹潜蛾在北京1年4代,越冬代成虫在苹果花蕾露红期时开始羽化,可持续1个多月,盛期发生在苹果的花期。幼虫分为3个龄期,其各龄的平均头壳宽度分别为0.23,0.33和0.44 mm。2011年旋纹潜蛾在北京昌平王家园果园大发生。2011年春天在该果园用性诱剂引诱到大量的旋纹夜蛾成虫,第1代的卵量很低,且当年的种群数量一直很低,可能的原因是越冬期的干旱影响了蛹的活力,从而影响成虫的产卵量。在防治上,以保护寄生蜂为主,可人工清除越冬蛹,大发生时在卵盛期用灭幼脲喷雾防治。本文还提供了该虫为害状、成虫、卵、幼虫、茧和部分天敌的彩色图片。 Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa) is an occasional pest of apple and pear in China. This article reviews its damage and host plants, morphology, biology, natural enemies and control techniques, based upon literatures and our research. The moth occurs 4 generations a year in Beijing. Adult emergence starts in the spring, at the ‘pink bud’ stage of apples, and lasts for about one month, with the peak period at the apple florescence. The caterpillars undergo three larval instars to complete their development, with the average head capsule width of 0.23, 0.33, and 0.44 mm for each instar, respectively. Its outbreak occurred in the Wangjiayuan Orchard in Beijing in 2010. In spring of 2011 in this orchard, a huge number of adults were found in the sex pheromone traps, but very few eggs were found on the leaf. The population thereafter was maintained at a very low level. This is believed to be caused by low humidity for overwintering pupae and then low fecundity for the females. Protection of parasitoids is vital for its control, and measures including removing old and loose barks with the cocoons of pupae, and spraying with chlorbenzuron at egg peak during its outbreak, are also suggested. Color pictures for the damage, adult, egg, larva, cocoon and some parasitoids of this moth are provided.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期816-823,共8页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 北京市自然科学基金项目(6122016)
关键词 旋纹潜蛾 形态特征 生物学 幼虫龄期 寄生蜂 防治 Leucoptera malifoliella morphological characteristics biology larval instar parasitoids control
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