化石能源的短缺,风力发电及储能设备的快速发展使未来电网中大规模储能设备的应用成为必然趋势。将风储联合系统看作一个整体,其出力方式的变化必然对输电网规划造成影响。建立考虑风储联合系统影响的输电网规划模型,利用蒙东地区的风电场数据,根据峰谷电价,以能量转化效益最大化为目标,得到风储联合系统最优运行方式。利用人工鱼群算法(ASFA),通过改进Garver 6节点系统验证考虑风储联合系统影响的输电规划模型,得到储能设备单价确定时,不同容量系数相对应的最优规划方案和储能设备单价不确定时,不同单价对应的最优容量系数及规划方案。算例验证了在一定价格范围内,加入储能设备能够有效提高输电网规划的经济性,具有可行性。
Grid with middle or large scale energy storage system has become an inevitable trend due to the shortage of fossil energy and the rapid development of wind power generation and energy storage devices. If the wind system combined with the storage system can be regarded as a whole part, the variation of its output power will inevitably influence the planning of transmission network. A planning model of transmission network is set up when considering the impact of combined wind and storage system (CWS). Base on the data obtained from the wind plants in the east area of Inner Mongolia, according to the peak-valley electricity pricing policy, the optimal operation can be obtained while setting the maximum benefits of energy conversion as objective function. This model will be solved by the artificial fish swarm algorithm and verified by modified IEEE-6 system. Different optimal planning proposals will be provided for different capacities when the unit price of the storage devices is given. When the unit price is not given, the optimal capacities factor and planning proposals will also be provided for different prices. Case study verifies that using energy storage devices can effectively improve the economy efficiency of the transmission network within a certain price range.
Shanxi Electric Power
combined wind and storage system
peak-valley electricity pricing policy
transmission network planning