对RIEGL VZ-1000三维激光扫描仪扫描不同反射面的测量精度进行了研究,介绍了RIEGL VZ-1000三维激光扫描仪特性,采用了扫描仪与全站仪同时测量墙面并拟合平面的试验方法,分析了水泥、瓷砖和保温复合材料墙面的试验数据,最终得出了RIEGL VZ-1000三维激光扫描仪对不同反射面的测量精度。
This paper researches precision of survey different reflecting plane of riegl vz-1000 laser scanner,introduced features for riegl vz-1000 laser scanner,used scanner and total station measuring wall,and fitting plane meth0d,analyzed concrete walls,ceramic tile wall,keep warm internal composite wall experimental data,finally abtained sruveying precision of different reflecting plane of riegl vz-1000 laser scanner.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying