目的 定量分析正常人与眩晕患者前庭脊髓反射功能。方法 用ST - 939型前庭脊髓反射功能检测系统测定 4 0例正常人及 78例眩晕患者的姿势描记图及有关参数。结果 人体重心移动轨迹分为中心型、弥散型、前后型、左右型、多中心型 5种图形 ,正常人中心型为主 ,外周性眩晕与中枢性眩晕患者弥散型多见。正常人与眩晕患者各参数相比较 ,眩晕患者轨迹长、面积大、速度高 ,与正常人比较差异有显著意义。结论 本检测系统可对前庭脊髓反射功能作定量分析 ,可靠性、客观性强 ,对前庭脊髓平衡功能的评估及眩晕症的鉴别诊断有实用价值。
Objective To quantitatively evaluate the vestibular spinal reflex function of normal subjects and vertigo patients. Methods Posturography and related parameters of 40 normal subjects and 78 patients suffering from vertigo were measured with the ST-939 type computerized posturography system. Results There were 5 patterns of postural sway: centripetal, diffuse, forward-backward, right-left and multicentric patterns. The centripetal pattern was the most prominent in the normal subjects, but the diffuse pattern was the most prominent in the vertigo patients. The locus length, velocity and area of postural sway of the vertigo patients were significantly increased as compared with the normal subjects. Conclusion Quantitative analysis of the vestibular spinal reflex function can be reliably and objectively realized with the ST-939 type computerized posturography system. It is a valuable method for the evaluation of vestibular spinal balance function and differential diagnosis of vertigo.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-skull Base Surgery