阐述了双欣矿业选煤厂主要存在大块矸石易滚落,尖角大块矸石易损坏输送设备,大量大块原煤导致设备超负荷运行等问题。通过分析SSC分级破碎机的结构和工作原理,说明其具有制造简单、维修方便、低能耗、低成本、高破碎能力和经久耐用等优点。因此,双欣矿业选煤厂采用1台SSC1000破碎机用于控制出井原煤粒度,并设计破碎机的安装方式及位置。将分级破碎机安装在主井输送带机头与去往筒仓输送带机尾间的溜槽中部;通过建造钢结构支架将破碎机架高3.5 m,进出破碎机的溜槽均有足够高度进行角度和位置的调整;将破碎机的滑轨垂直于转运输送带布置,将破碎机的行走轨道延伸至厂房外;设置填补破碎机移除后的溜槽作为煤流通道。最后对SSC分级破碎级的应用效果进行分析,结果表明:改造完成后,原煤中+300 mm块煤及矸石完全消除,原煤砸穿输送带和滚落现象得以控制,每年可增加产值200万元以上。
Introduce the problems in Shuangxin mining industry coal preparation plant, large gangue fell easily, especially the sharp ones could damage the conveying equipments, the equipments were overloaded due to a great number of large raw coal. The analysis of structure and working principle of SSC classification crusher show that it has a series of advantages such as easy manufacture and repair, low energy consumption and cost, strong crush capacity and durability. So the plant adopts one SSC1000 crusher to control the particle size of raw coal. Install the crusher in the middle of chute, which connects the main shaft and silo. Raise the crusher 3.5 m by steel structure support, so the chute through crusher has sufficient height to adjust the angle and position. The slideway of crusher is perpendicular to the conveying belt. Extend the slideway to the outside of workshop. After removing the crusher, the left chute is used as coal transport channel. The analysis of application effect of SSC classification crusher show that, +300 mm lump coal and gangue is completely eliminated, raw coal fall and conveying belt damage phenomenon is controlled. The plant increases economic benefits more than 2×10^6 yuan per year.
Clean Coal Technology
SSC classification crusher
large gangue
size composition
conveying belt