研究了 Fe(2 /3 ) x Ni1 - x SO4-P2 O5 /γ-Al2 O3催化剂对 1 -丁烯叠合反应的催化性能 ,考察了催化剂 n( Fe) /n( Fe+Ni)比、焙烧温度、担载量及载体等对催化性能的影响。结果表明 ,n( Fe) /n( Fe+Ni) =0 .72的 Fe0 .5 3Ni0 .2 1SO4复合盐 ,以 P2 O5 为助剂、中孔 γ-Al2 O3为载体、用浸渍法担载、担载量为 2 .36mmol/g( γ-Al2 O3)催化剂的催化活性最高。催化剂的最佳活化条件为 4 50℃下 N2 气流中活化 4 h。 1 -丁烯叠合反应的最佳反应条件为 :P=3.0 MPa,t=70~ 90℃ ,LHSV=1 .0~ 2 .0 h- 1 。在该条件下 1 -丁烯转化率为 85%~ 95% ,二聚选择性为 80 %~ 90 % ,三聚选择性为 1 1 %~ 2 6% ,四聚以上的选择性为 3%~ 9%。经 2 0 0 h稳定性实验 ,1 -丁烯转化率保持在90 %左右 ,表明该催化剂不仅具有高活性 ,还具有良好的稳定性。
The catalyst behavior of Fe (2/3) x Ni 1 x SO 4 P 2O 5/ γ Al 2O 3 in 1 butene oligomerization was studied.Effects of n (Fe)/ n (Fe+Ni),calcination temperature,loading of active constituents and supports were examined.It was found that the catalyst with n (Fe)/ n (Fe+Ni)=0 72 showed the maximum catalytic activity.The catalyst of 2 36 mmol(Fe 0 53 Ni 0 21 SO 4) 0 57 mmol(P 2O5 )/g( γ Al 2O 3) was considered to be the best one in 1 butene oligomerization.As calcined in nonreducible atmosphere at 450 ℃ the catalyst exhibited the best catalytic performance.Under the optimum reaction conditions of t =70~120 ℃,LHSV=1 0~2 0 h -1 ,the conversion of 1 butene reached 92%~98% and the selectivities for C 8 =,C 12 = and C 16 =+ were 50%~80%,11%~27% and 3%~21%,respectively.After continuous running for 200 h,the conversion of 1 butene remained still up to 90%,demonstrating that the catalyst has good stability in 1 butene oligomerization.
Acta Petrolei Sinica(Petroleum Processing Section)