
中国全民统一健康保障程度与发展策略研究 被引量:4

Universal Health Coverage in China and development strategies
摘要 目的定量评价中国全民统一健康保障(以下简称全民统一健保)发展程度,探讨改善全民统一健保程度的主要策略。方法使用加法模型,定量分析中国自2003年至2011年全民统一健保的发展程度,并进行灵敏度分析和国际比较。结果计量分析表明,中国全民统一健保的得分在2003年为2.79,2008年为2.32,2011年为2.60。健康保障制度的数量、统筹层次等因素对全民统一健保程度的影响最显著。结论中国全民统一健保已处于发展中期,但仍与英国等发达国家存在较大差距。需要采取包括齐同待遇、提高统筹层次在内的综合发展措施。其中,统一城乡居民基本医疗保障待遇是实现全民统一健保的关键任务。 Objective Perform a quantitative analysis on the development stage of Universal Health Coverage(UHC)in China and discuss key options for scaling up UHC in China. Methods Quantitative addition model was used to analyze the UHC trend in China from 2003-2011, along with a sensitivity analysis and international comparison with the UK. Results The quantitative analysis showed that the UHC in China, for the year of 2003, 2008 and 2011 were 2.79, 2.32 and 2.60 respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed the integration of the health insurance schemes and scaling up the risk pooling levels contributed more than other factors to UHC in China. Conclusion The UHC in China has been developed to the mid-stage,but still lags far behind developed countries like the UK. Such general measures as equalization of benefits and scaling up of the risk pooling level should be taker; First of all, equalization of medical benefits for both rural and urban residents makes the fundamental priority and policy in the pursuit of UHC in China.
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 北大核心 2013年第8期561-564,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
基金 北京市科技新星研究项目(9558103000)
关键词 全民统一健康保障 程度 加法模型 灵敏度分析 发展策略 Universal Health Coverage Extent Addition model Sensitivity analysis Development strategy
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