Temozolomide (TMZ) was approved by EMA to market in EU in January 1999 for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (brain cancer). After that TMZ was approved by tens of medical regulation authorities worldwide and stepped up into the club of block buster drugs (annual sales exceeding $1 000 000 000). Now TMZ combined with radiation is the standard treatment for brain cancer worldwide. The authors recalled his twenty years experiences of participation in the studies of TMZ and its analogous. First the record entertained us with persistent devoting research work of the structure activity relationship (SAR) of imidazo-1,2,3,5-tetrazin series compounds by Stevens for the thirty years. The luckily ending at TMZ was obtained; and then a hardship to bring TMZ on clinical application to realize TMZ intrinsic activity which could benefit the patients was recalled by a team of chemists and clinicians, finally the success and failure in the depth developments of TMZ and its analogous have been depicted.
Drugs & Clinic