目的:设计一种遥控注射器,应用于数字胃肠机特殊造影时自动推注对比剂。方法:无线电遥控器发出控制信号到PLC,以PLC为中心控制器控制步进电动机驱动器,产生控制信号驱动步进电动机正向或反向旋转,推动注射器前进或后退,完成特殊造影时对比剂的推注。结果:经1 532例临床使用试验,在进行子宫输卵管造影、T管造影、肾盂逆行造影及其他窦道造影时应用该注射器可以较好地完成对比剂推注。结论:经临床实际应用,在进行特殊造影时,该仪器可以代替人工进行对比剂推注工作,操作简单、方便,避免操作人员受到放射线危害,具有一定的临床价值,值得推广应用。
Objective To design a remote syringe to inject the contrast agent automatically in case of special angiography by the digital gastrointestinal apparatus.Methods The control signal was transmitted to PLC,then PLC was used as the center controller for the driver of the stepping motor.Another control signal was generated to make the motor rotate forward or reversely,then the syringe was driven to move forward or backward to complete the injection.Results Totally 1 532 cases of trials proved that the syringe was applicable to the angiographies for the uterus and fallopian tube,T tube,pelvis and other sinus tracts.Conclusion Clinical trials prove that the remote syringe can replace the manual operation to inject the contrast agent,so that the radiation exposure of the staff can be avoided.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal