
一次性注射器与喜炎平注射液的相容性考察 被引量:2

Investigation of the Compatibility between Disposable Syringes and Xiyanping Injection
摘要 目的:对一次性药物注射器抽吸喜炎平注射液的相容性进行考察,以保证注射药物质量。方法:用不同厂家、规格注射器抽吸不同批次、规格喜炎平注射液和0.9%氯化钠注射液,分别振摇1、2、3、5次,室温放置观察。结果:采用聚二甲基硅氧烷为润滑剂的一次性溶药注射器与喜炎平注射液有不相容现象。结论:注射剂与一次性溶药注射器应进行相容性实验。 Objective: To investigate the compatibility between disposable syringe and Xiyanping injection,in order to ensure the quality of the injecting drug.Methods: The disposable syringes of different manufacturers and specifications suctioned 0.9% sodium chloride injection and Xiyanping injection of different batches and specifications.These disposable syringes were shaken once,twice,three and five times respectively;then were placed at room temperature for observation.Results: There was an incompatible phenomenon when disposable syringes using polydimethylsiloxane as lubricant suctioned Xiyanping injection.Conclusions: The compatibility test should be performed when disposable syringes suction injections.
作者 朱慧娟
出处 《儿科药学杂志》 CAS 2013年第7期38-39,共2页 Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
关键词 一次性注射器 喜炎平注射液 相容性 Disposable syringes Xiyanping injection Compatibility
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