目的针对目前技术条件下的多排螺旋计算机断层成像(computerized tomography,CT)设计一种快速稳定的控制器局域网络(controller area network,CAN)总线通讯控制系统。方法在根据系统需求设计CAN网络后,首先设计CAN硬件接收电路,然后制定CAN网络通讯协议,最后采用基于现场可编程门阵列(Field-Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)和CAN的知识产权逻辑核实现扫描流程的软件设计。结果螺旋扫描实验表明,系统各节点在扫描过程中能够快速稳定地进行通信。结论该系统能够实现对多排螺旋CT扫描流程的控制,并且具有很好的可靠性、实时性和扩展性。
Objective To design a fast and stable control system for multi-slice computerized tomography(CT) based on controller area network (CAN) bus for the current multi-slice helical CT. Methods After designing the communication network according to the system requirements, the hardware and communication protocol were designed. Then the software controlling the scan procedure was designed based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and the LogiCORETM intellectual property (IP) CAN. Results Helical scanning experi- ment showed that the system nodes could communicate fast and reliably with each other. Conclusion The sys- tem can control the helical scanning procedures. It is a highly stable, real-time system and can be easily ex- tended.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering