Objectives: To analyze the current status of consuhation managemen! and to seek the solutions of the problems which can improve the management system of eonsuhation arid the quality of eonsuhation. Methods: The consultation record h'om the hospital consultation system were sampled and the on-time rate of the consultation were analyzed. The departments which have large numbers of eonsuhation applications or completion were carried out key point investigation and analysis. Resuhs: The on-time rate of consuhation inereases month by month, which reaches 86% by May 2012, but it is slill far from the goal of 98%. The top-10 departments which complete the cnnsuhation take up 59.81% of. tile total amount of completion. The top-lo depatlments which apply for the eonsuhation take tip 63.8% of the total number of applications. There are 6 departments in both of the top-10 lists, which shows that the departments which apply for and complete the consuhation are relatiwly emweutrated. There are 8.6% unfinished consuhations in the consultation system. Conclusion: Suggestions such as centered consultation. peer eonsuhation quality evaluation and enhaneing the network control and monitoring are proposed to further improve the rate of on- time consuhation.
Chinese Hospitals
hospital consultation, consultation quality