本文以双谱分析理论为基础 ,分析并计算了设备在不同工作状态下噪声信号的双谱及其等高线图。分析和实验结果表明 ,双谱分析表达了三个谱元之间的相关性 ,可以识别系统的非线性特征 ,能够克服功率谱局限性和不足。相同工作状态下信号的双谱及其等高线图具有相似性 ,不同工作状态下信号的双谱及其等高线图具有明显的可分性。为噪声信号的特征量提取提供了新的分析手段 ,利用噪声信号的双谱分析可以有效地识别设备工作状态。这种方法在设备工作状态监测方面将会有良好的应用前景。
The theory of bispectrum analysis is reviewed and some noise signal bispectra and their contours for working machinery's typical conditions are plotted in the paper.The results show that bispectrum which expreses the correlation betwecn three related variables can be used to identify the non-linearity of a system.It is very useful to find out that the bispectra and their contours for the similar working conditions have some similarity while for different working conditions exist some different characteristics.The method proposed in the paper provides a new way for identification of non-linearity of a system and gives a uscful tool for condition monitoring of working machinery.Keywords :bispectrumanal
Journal of Vibration and Shock