
美国促进公私部门合作推动科技创新的政策与经验 被引量:4

Policies and Practices of the US to Promote Science and Technology Innovation Through Public-Private Partnership
摘要 二战以来美国一直保持着世界第一科技强国的地位,这与其政府历来高度重视创新政策和经费投入、产业界强烈的创新意识和积极的创新活动、全社会浓厚的创新文化氛围密不可分。在分析研究美国科技创新体系有关做法和经验的基础上,对其促进公司部门合作推动创新的有关政策法规体系、支持手段、人才保障体系和合作形式等进行了梳理和总结,旨在为我国深化科技体制改革,构建"以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系"提供借鉴。 The United States has been a global superpower in science and technology for decades, which is a result of its well established innovation system enabling full play of all stakeholders including government, academia, industries, etc., along the innovations chain. The article summarizes the relevant laws, regulations, policies and practices taken by the US government to promote the S&T innovation in public and private domain by fostering public-private partnerships, as well as supporting education and personnel training system, which is worthwhile to be shared by Chinese administration on deepening the reform of the S&T system and on building a national innovation system featuring enterprises as the driving force, the market as the guide and integrating resources of industry, university and research institute.
作者 仲平
机构地区 中国
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2013年第6期12-19,共8页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 美国 科技创新 科技政策 公私部门合作(PPP) 科技体制改革 the U.S. S&T innovation S&T policy public-private partnership (PPP) reform on S&T system
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