随着社会和科学技术的不断发展,起重机朝着大起重量、大起升高度和大作业幅度的方向发展日益显著,传统的双联单层卷绕卷筒桥门式起重机无法满足实际的生产需要。以起重机实际应用的卷筒为例,利用ANSYS Workbench软件作为工具,对某起重机多层卷绕卷筒进行整体有限元分析。在综合考虑卷筒端侧板对卷筒承载能力的影响下,根据分析的结果对卷筒壁厚δ和端侧板厚度h进行整体结构的优化,并与传统方法进行比较,获得传统方法难以分析的局部区域应力状态。为大起重量、大起升高度吊装起重机多层卷筒的结构研究与构造的优化改进提供参考。
With the continuous development of society and science and technology,crane toward big lifting weight,lifting height and large operation range in the direction of development is increasingly significant.The traditional double single layer winding drum bridge gantry crane can meet actual production needs.In practical application of crane drum,for example,basing on the Workbench,a finite elements analysis of overall multilayer drum which is applied to crane is provided.Considering the effect of end-side plate on the carrying capacity of drum,an overall structure optimization of drum wall thickness δ and end-side plate thickness h according to the results of analysis is given.Furthermore,a comparison is also taken,and the results show that the local regional stress status which is hard to be analyzed by traditional methods is obtained by using finite elements analysis.These can provide references for the design,analysis and structure optimization on the drum which is applied to the crane with large lifting weight and height.
Machinery Design & Manufacture