目的了解广东与广西交界地区常见过敏原的分布情况和特点,为预防和治疗过敏性疾病提供指导意见。方法采用粉尘螨皮肤点刺试剂对两广交界地区的1 088例过敏性疾病患者进行皮肤过敏原点刺检测。结果 1 088例患者均完成皮肤点刺试验,总阳性率67.3%(732/1 088)。4~15岁组皮肤点刺试验阳性率79.8%(213/267),16~30岁组阳性率为72.6%(201/277),31~45岁组的阳性率为57.3%(172/302),46~60岁组的阳性率为59.9%(145/242)。4~30岁者的皮肤点刺试验阳性率高于31~60岁者(P<0.05)。各年龄段患者的过敏原谱较一致,以粉尘螨(68.7%)和户尘螨(66.9%)为代表的尘螨是各过敏原中阳性率最高的,蟑螂(21.5%)次之;海虾(10.7%)、海蟹(18.2%)等海产品过敏原阳性率相对较高。过敏性鼻炎合并哮喘或结膜炎的患者,与单纯过敏性鼻炎患者的过敏原谱相似。结论两广交界地区过敏性疾病中以尘螨为最主要的室内过敏原;粉尘螨特异性免疫治疗合并2种或2种以上的多重过敏原过敏性疾病具有可行性;该地区人群由摄入海河鲜引起的致敏现象较常见。
Objective To investigate the distribution and characteristics of the common allergens in the border region of Guangdong and Guangxi, and provide guidance for the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases. Methods Skin prick tests of dermatophagoides farina were performed in 1088 cases with allergic diseases from the border region of Guangdong and Guangxi. Results Skin prick tests were successfully per-formed in all 1088 patients. The total positive rate was 67.3% (763/1088). The positive rates in 4 - 15, 16-30, 31-45, 46-60 years old group, were 79.8% (213/267), 72.6% (201/277), 57.3% (172/ 302 ) , 59.9%0 ( 145/242 ) , respectively. The highest positive rate of allergens is the dust mites represented by the farinae and the house dust mites (68.7% , 66. 9% ) , followed by cockroach (21.5%). The patients with combined allergic disease including rhinitis with asthma or conjunctivitis and the patients with allergic rhinitis alone have similar allergen spectrums. The positive rate of allergen of the seafood such as prawn ( 10. 7% ) , crab ( 18.2% ) is relatively high. Conclusions The dust mite was the most common allergen in patients with allergic diseases from the border region of Guangdong and Guangxi. The dust mite specific immunotherapy is feasible for the treatment of allergic diseases with two or more than two allergens. The seafood and the freshwa-ter fishes allergen-positive patients from the border region of this area are also common.
Journal of New Medicine
The border region of Guangdong and Guangxi
Positive rate of allergens