目的总结分析耳硬化症的多层螺旋CT表现,并结合文献复习,探讨耳硬化症的多层螺旋CT诊断价值。方法收集经临床、手术证实为耳硬化症的患者20例,且所有病例均行多层螺旋CT扫描。扫描层厚0.625.mm,进床速度为5.625mm/s。双侧分别小视野骨算法重建,重建视野为9.6cm,重建层厚为0.625mm,重建间隔为0.2mm。结果 20例共38例耳显示异常,耳硬化症的多层螺旋CT表现可分为窗型、耳蜗型及混合型。窗型28耳表现为前庭窗前方耳囊低密度区及镫骨底板增厚前庭窗扩大或缩小,前庭窗及蜗窗同时受累7耳。耳蜗型5耳,仅累及耳蜗周围骨迷路骨质,表现为耳蜗迷路边缘不整,呈片状密度减低或双环征改变。混合型5例,同时累及耳蜗、前庭、蜗窗及内耳迷路其他部分。结论多层螺旋CT对耳硬化症的诊断具有较高的准确性,是对本病诊断有重要价值的检查方法。
Objective To summarize the analysis of otosclerosis multislice CT manifestations, combined with literature review, discussion of otosclerosis multislice CT diagnostic value. Methods Confirmed by clinic, operation for 20 cases of patients with otosclerosis, and multilayer spiral CT scan in all cases. Scanning thickness 0.625 ram, at the rate of 5.625 mm/s into the bed. Bilateral vision were small bone algorithm reconstruction, rebuilding vision is 9.6 cm, rebuild the layer thickness is 0.625 mm, reconstruction interval is 0.2 mm. Results 20 patients, a total of 38 cases of eat showed abnormal, otosclerosis multislice CT performance can be divided into window type, cochlear type and mixed type. Window type 28 ears of vestibular window side ear cystic low density area and stapes floor thickening of vestibular window expand or narrow, the vestibular and cochlear window involved seven ears at the same time. Cochlear type 5 ears, only involving cochlear bony labyrinth surrounding bone, characterized by cochlear lost edge is not whole, density plate shaped to reduce or double loop) change. Hybrid in 5 cases, at the same time involving the cochlea, vestibule, cochlear window and other parts of the labyrinth. Conclusion Multislice CT in the diagnosis of otosclerosis is of high accuracy, is checking methods for the disease diagnosis has important value.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI