
MDCT对耳硬化症术前评估的探讨 被引量:2

MDCT in the preoperative evaluation of otosclerosis
摘要 目的评估MDCT在术前耳硬化症诊断中的作用。方法收集经手术病理证实为耳硬化症、且CT扫描采用螺旋模式的病例共15例。扫描层厚为0.625mm,进床速度为1.2mm/rot,螺距为1:1。双侧分别小视野骨算法重建,重建视野为9.6cm,重建层厚为0.625mm,重建间隔为0.2mm。结果15例共30耳显示异常。仅前庭窗异常14耳,表现为前庭窗扩大或狭小。前庭窗及蜗窗同时受累共6耳。主要累及耳蜗周围迷路骨质10耳,表现为耳蜗骨迷路边缘不整,呈条片状密度减低或双环状改变。MPR交互重建充分显示了所有重要解剖结构的位置、形态:其中3耳为颈静脉球高位;所有病例均无面神经管水平段低位及面神经管裂,均无蜗导水管扩大及颈静脉球或颈动脉管裂。结论MDCT可以正确诊断耳硬化症,MPR重建可充分显示颞骨解剖及变异,有利于制定正确的手术计划。 Objective AnevaluatationofthepreoperativeMDCTinthediagnosisofotosclerosis. Methods Intotall5patients withotosclerosis, confirmed by operation underwent MDCT examination, Scan slicethickness was0.625 mm, table speedwas 1, 2 mm/rotandpitchwas1: 1. ThetargettemporalbonewasreconstructedusingasmallFOVbonearithmeticmethod. Reconstructedfield of view was 9. 6 cm; reconstructed slice thickness was 0. 625 mm; and reconstructed interval space was 0. 2 mllr Results All 30 temporalboneswererevealedabnormal. 14earsmanifestedentargementornarrownessofvestibularwindowonly. 6earshadabnormalidesinvestibularandcochlearwindowssimultaneously. Abnormalbonelabyrintharoundthecochleawasfoundinl0ears, which exhibitedstripeddecreasedattenuationordoublecirclealternation, withirregularmargirL In3ears, high-ridingjugularbulbwasfound. Noneofthel5casesdisplayedlowordehiscentfacialnervecanal, largevestibularaqueduct, dehiscentjugularbulborcarotidcanaL Conclusion MDCTwith MPRimagingcorrectly showtheabnormalities ofotosclerosis as well astheanatomy ofthetemporal bone.
出处 《影像诊断与介入放射学》 2006年第4期164-167,共4页 Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology
关键词 耳硬化症 体层摄影术 X线计算机 Otosclerosis Tomography X-ray computed
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