报道用于博物馆极低浓度H2S气体的快速在线检测方法.分别以氯化1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑([Bmim]Cl)离子液体和铁基氯化1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑(Fe-[Bmim]Cl)离子液体作为敏感材料,结合石英晶体微天平(QCM)技术用于H2S气体的检测.其中[Bmim]Cl涂膜晶振对H2S的频率响应为0.34 Hz.(L.μg-1)H2S,检测下限8.88μg/L,Fe-[Bmim]Cl涂膜晶振对与H2S的频率响应为1.45 Hz.(L.μg-1)H2S,检测下限0.35μg/L,该值已接近博物馆允许的H2S气体浓度0.2μg/L.响应时间均小于60 s.
A quickin - situ method for detection of low concentration of H2 S in museums was developed. 1 - Butyl - 3 - methylim- idazolium chloride ([Bmim]C1) and Iron based( 1 -Butyl-3 -methylimidazolium chloride) (Fe- [ Bmim] C1) were choosed as sensitive materials for detection of H2 S based on quartz crystal microbalance techniquerespectively. The frequency response of [ Bmim] C1 to H2S is 0.34 Hz/(μg,/L) H2S, and its the lower detection limit is 2.96 μg,/L. The frequency response of Fe - [ Bmim] C1 to HES is 1.45 Hz/(μg/L) H2S,and the its lower detection limit is 0.35 μg/L,which is close to the maximum con- centration of HzS permitted by museums (0.2 μg/L). The response time is less than lmin for both types of ionic liquid mem- branes.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)