目的:比较中国与缅甸静脉吸毒人员(IDUs)高危行为及干预现状,为后续跨境综合干预活动提供依据。方法:2009-2010年瑞丽市为调查点,戒毒所缅甸注射吸毒人员整群抽样,结合社区中缅IDUs滚血球抽样。问卷调查收集艾滋病相关知识、共用针具、接受干预服务、高危性行为等方面的情况。SPSS 18.0软件包数据分析,秩和检验和χ2检验。结果:缅甸及中国IDUs中HIV感染率分别为35.6%及41.6%。缅甸籍IDUs新检测为阳性的比例27.6%,远高于中国籍的比例3.5%。中国IDUs最近1年接受过干预服务得分高于缅甸籍吸毒人员。缅甸、中国IDUs上个月注射时都使用新针具的比例为40.6%和46.2%,上个月使用别人用过的针具比例为33.3%和33.8%。上一次付费的性交易中没有使用安全套的比例,缅甸为91.0%,中国为57.8%,而最近一次发生性行为时没有使用安全套的比例缅甸(87.2%)高于中国(59.6%)。结论:边境区域中缅IDUs高危行为明显,应采用多种方法加大对中国缅甸籍IDUs减少伤害综合服务力度。
Objective:To compare high risk behaviors and intervention services between Chinese injecting drug users(IDUs) and Burma IDUs in Ruili city to provide the future intervention.Methods: During 2009-2010,the Burma IDUs in detoxification centre were sampled by cluster and the snow sample was used to recruite the rest Burmese and all Chinese IDUs in the community,a questionnaire was conducted including HIV related knowledge,needle sharing,high risk sexual behavior and service.Rank test and chi-square test are used to analyze data by SPSS 18.0 software.Results: The HIV infection prevalence of Burma and Chinese IDUs was 35.6% and 41.6% and the HIV positive test rate of first time was 27.6% and 3.5% respectively.The scores of intervention services of Chinese drug users during a recent year were higher than that of Burmese,the proportion of using new injection needle all the time during last month were 40.6% and 46.2% and the proportion of using other’s injection needle was 33.3% and 33.8% among Burmese and Chinese IDUs.Among IDUs who paid for sex,proportions without using condoms in the last paid sex were 91.0 % and 57.8% among Burmese and Chinese drug users.The proportion without using condoms sex of last time was 87.2% and 59.6% in Burmese and Chinese IDUs.Conclusion: The high risk behaviors were obvious among border regional Burmese and Chinese IDUs and it is important to strengthen the services of harm reduction in the border region.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence