
甘肃省静脉吸毒人员共用针具高危行为及影响因素分析 被引量:4

Analysis on High Risk Behavior of Needle Sharing and its Influence Factors Among Injection Drug Users of Gansu
摘要 目的了解甘肃省静脉吸毒人群共用针具的高危行为及其影响因素。方法收集2009年甘肃省吸毒人群综合、省级哨点监测数据,进行共用针具高危行为、艾滋病相关知识及HIV抗体检测等数据分析。结果静脉吸毒人员中共用针具者占37.24%;共用针具静脉吸毒人员HIV总体知晓率为85.80%;不同文化程度的共用针具静脉吸毒人员的HIV相关知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.88,P=0.04);共用针具组丙肝感染率(74.80%)明显高于非共用针具组(28.04%),(χ2=70.31,P=0.00);多因素logistic回归分析表明吸毒者的注射吸毒频率为发生共用针具高危行为的影响因素。结论甘肃省静脉吸毒人员共用针具的高危行为比较严重,注射吸毒频率为发生共用针具高危行为的主要影响因素。 Objective To explore high risk behaviors of nee- dle sharing and its influence factors among injection drug users in Gansu. Methods To collect the date of AIDS comprehenxive surveriUance and provincial surverillance of 2009 in GanSu province, and analyse risk be- havior, the knowledge health needs,utilization of health services, HIV anti- body tests of date and so on. Results 37.24% of injection drug users was sharing needle, the awareness rate of AIDS related knowledge was 85.80% among sharing needle drug users. There was significant difference among different education level groups of sharing needle drug users (χ^2 = 9. 88 ,P = 0. 04 ) ; there was significant difference among the rate of HCV infection (χ^2 = 70. 31 ,P = 0.00 ). The results of multiple logistic regrseeion indicated that daily times of injecting drugs was the influence factors of nee- dle sharing. Conclusion Needle sharing was a serious health problem a- mong injection drug users in Gansu, daily times of injecting drugs was the influence factors of needle sharing.
出处 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期565-566,共2页 Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
关键词 静脉吸毒人员 共用针具 艾滋病 Injection drug users Needle sharing HIV/ AIDS
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