目的:初步探讨中国美貌汉族女性软组织侧貌U1-STP指标、前额与上颌中切牙矢状向关系,为正畸、正颌外科及整形的临床诊治提供了美学评价的重要参考依据之一。方法:选取2008~2013年著名电影、电视剧及时尚杂志中面型美观、自然的美貌汉族女性75例,年龄18~36岁,对所有研究对象软组织侧貌图均采用Photoshop CS3图像处理软件进行测量分析、统计。结果:获得中国美貌汉族女性软组织侧貌U1-STP数据,发现45例女性(60%)上切牙颊面中点位于该平面之前(A);14例女性(19%)上切牙颊面中点位于该平面之上(N);16例女性(21%)上切牙颊面中点位于该平面之后(P);前额与上颌中切牙矢状向距离为(1.27±1.05)mm;前额倾斜度为(15.58±2.61)°。结论:U1-STP指标结合了硬组织标志点及软组织标志线,是一种新的可靠的正畸正颌临床诊治美学参考指标。
Objective To investigate the UI-STP and the anteroposterior relationship of the maxillary central incisor to the forehead of Chinese Beautiful females,providing one of the clinical references of the aesthetic evaluation for orthodontics,orthognathic surgery and plastic surgery. Methods Totally 75 lateral pictures of famous beautiful females from 2008 to 2013 were collected from Chinese films and teleplay poster,ages ranging from 18 to 36 years.The measurements were performed with the application of Photoshop CS3,and the analysis to the data was carried out. Results The aesthetic data of Chinese beautiful females" U1-STP were obtained, the incisor was located in front of the STP (A)in 45 cases(60%);it was located on the plane(N)in 14 cases (19%);and it was behind(P)in 16 cases (21%);The distance between the maxillary central incisor to the forehead was (1.27±1.05)mm,the forehead inclination was(15.58±2.61)°. Conclusion The U1-STP relates a soft tissue reference with a hard tissue landmark,it could be a useful diagnostic and planning tool in orthodontic and surgical management of dentofacial deformities.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine