目的探讨矽肺患者胸部螺旋CT检查的价值和CT影像学表现。方法回顾性分析36例确诊矽肺患者的临床病史资料及CT影像学表现。结果 36例确诊的矽肺患者CT影像学表现中有36例矽肺结节阴影、18例小阴影聚集、11例大阴影,31例有纵隔或肺门淋巴结肿大,能够显示部分并发的支气管改变、胸膜病变、肺气肿等并发症;矽肺阴影在两肺弥漫分布,但右肺中叶内段、左肺上叶下舌段则分布相对较少。结论螺旋CT检查对于矽肺患者具有重要的价值,能够提供更多更客观的影像学信息资料,使矽肺的综合诊断更准确。
[ Objective ] To discuss the value of chest spiral CT scan in diagnosis of silicosis and to explore the CT manifestations of the silicosis patients. [ Methods ] The clinical history data and CT manifestations of 36 patients with silicosis were collected and analyzed retrospectively. [ Results ] Of the 36 silicosis cases, there were 36 with fusion nodules, 18 with tiny shadow gathered, 11 with large shadow, 31 with lymphadenectasis located in mediastinum or in lung hilar. The complications such as bronchial changes, pleural disease, emphysema could also be found exactly. The nodules of silicoses were distributed widespreadly, but there were less distribution in inner segment of the right middle lobe, and inferior lingular segment of the left upper lobe relatively. [ Conclusion ] It is of great value in the diagnosis of silicosis to analyze the chest CT manifestations. The more CT findings in patients with silicosis can make the diagnosis more accurate.
Occupation and Health