
卵巢少见原发性肿瘤的MR表现 被引量:8

MR finding of rare and primary ovarian tumors
摘要 目的探讨卵巢少见原发性肿瘤的MR表现及特征,并与病理学对照,以提高对该类疾病的诊断及鉴别诊断能力。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的6例卵巢少见原发性肿瘤的MR表现并复习相关文献。结果卵巢淋巴瘤1例,表现双侧附件区T1WI等信号T2WI稍高信号软组织肿块影,信号均匀,边缘光滑。无性细胞瘤2例,表现为盆腔巨大实性软组织肿块影,呈T1WI等、低信号,T2WI呈等-稍高信号,中心可见少量囊变坏死区。卵巢wolffian管瘤1例,表现为不规则浅分叶状软组织肿块影,边界清晰,呈T1WI等略低信号T2WI等、高信号影。卵巢Brener瘤1例,盆腔内软组织肿块影,呈T1WI等信号T2WI略低信号,病灶中心可见斑片状T1WI低信号T2WI低信号提示钙化灶。CT平扫表现为类圆形实性肿块,边界清晰,瘤体内见不规则斑片状钙化。硬化性间质瘤1例,表现为盆腔内巨大软组织肿块影,呈T1WI高低混杂信号T2WI高低混杂信号影。结论 MRI对卵巢少见原发肿瘤的定位以及定性有着无可替代的优势,是目前最为可靠的术前检查手段,能充分显示病变与周围组织的关系,但最后确诊仍须结合临床及完整的病理资料分析。 Objective To investigate the MRI imaging characteristics of the rare and primary ovarian tumors and to compare the imaging appearances with the pathological findings so as to improve the imaging diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the diseases. Methods Both MRI and pathological findings in 6 cases with rare ovarian tumors were retrospectively analyzed and related literature was reviewed. Results In 1 case of lymphoma , MR scan showed homogeneous slight hyperintensity on T2-weighted images and iso-intensity on T1- weighted images. In 2 cases of ovarian asexual cell tumors, the signal intensity of the large mass was often iso-intense on Tl-weighted images and hyper-intensity on T2-weighted images. The signal intensity of the mass was heterogeneous with hemorrhage or necrosis. In 1 case of ovarian wolffin duct' s tumor, MR scan showed large soft mass located in pelvic and the signal intensity of the mass was often iso intense and slight hypo-intensity on Tl-weighted images and hyper-intensity on T2 weighted images. The center of the tumor showed hypo-intensity implying with hemorrhage or necrosis. In 1 case of ovarian Brenner tumor, MR scan showed large soft mass located in pelvic and the signal intensity of the mass was often iso-intense on T1-weighted images and hypo-intensity on T2- weighted images, and plain CT scan of the lesion showed solid, round mass with sharp margin irregular calcification. In 1 case of ovarian sclerosing stromal tumor, MR scan showed homogeneous hyper-intensity on T2-weighted images and isointensity and hypo-intensity on T1- weighted images. The signal intensity of the mass center was heterogeneous with hem orrhage or necrosis. Conclusion MRI is the best method for orientation and specific diagnosis of rare primary ovarian tumors. It's the most reliable examination before operation at present, it can display the relationship of tumor with adjacent structure. But, correct diagnosis depends on clinical and pathological results.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2013年第6期930-934,共5页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 卵巢少见原发性肿瘤 磁共振成像 Primary ovarian tumors Magnetic resonance imaging
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