目的 探讨卵巢囊腺瘤CT表现及临床价值。方法 回顾性分析1997年5月~2002年7月50例经手术病理证实为卵巢囊腺瘤的CT影像资料 ,对肿瘤进行定位、定性诊断 ,分析肿瘤在密度、形态、瘤体内部有无分隔、瘤壁结节及腹腔内情况。结果 浆液性囊腺瘤28例 ,粘液性囊腺瘤22例 ,其中30例表现瘤体内部有分隔 ,呈多房状 ,可见索条状/飘带状分隔 ;边界光滑的囊腔 ,最大体积为15cm×13cm×14cm ,最小体积为4.0cm×3.1cm×4.0cm ,其中20例囊内无分隔 ,12例双侧多发者可见多个大小不等边界光滑的囊腔。本组病例中有9例可见瘤壁呈弧条状钙化 ,4例有乳头状突起。结论 卵巢囊腺瘤是临床常见病 ,CT能清楚显示瘤体的内部及壁的特征 ,诊断率极高 ,本组达到92% 。
Objective To explore the computer tomography(CT)manifestations and clinical diagnostic value of ovarian cystadenoma. Methods The CTmanifestations of50patients with ovarian cystadenoma confirmed by operation and pathology,from1997.5to2002.7in our hospital,were analyzed retrospectively.The observation of the lesion was focused on the following aspects:internal densify,shape,septa,wall and then analyze their clinical diˉagnostic value. Results In all cases,serous cystadenoma were28(28/50),mucinous cystadenoma were22.In tumor bodies,there are septa in30cases,the volume of the maximal and minimal cyst cava was15×13×14cm,and4.0×3.1×4.0cm respectively;there were no septa in other cases.Ovarian cystadenoma with many border-smooth cyst cavas were found in12cases,in9cases calcification in tumor wall can be seen and in4cases mastoid-tuber could be found in cyst wall. Conclusion Ovarian cystadenoma is a common disease.CT scanning could provide the characteristic appearances of the tumor,internal composition and tumor wall and CT diagnostic accuracy was92%.Thus,CT scanning is the first selection in the diagnosis of ovarian cystadenoma.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal