
脑胶质肉瘤和胶质母细胞瘤的常规MRI比较研究 被引量:8

Comparative study between cerebral gliosarcoma and glioblastoma on routine MRI
摘要 目的比较脑胶质肉瘤和胶质母细胞瘤在常规MRI上的影像表现。方法回顾性分析22例脑胶质肉瘤和92例脑胶质母细胞瘤在平扫和增强MRI上的表现,比较两者在发病年龄、性别、瘤体大小、瘤周水肿程度、强化形态、病变分布及脑膜侵袭等方面的差异。结果脑胶质肉瘤和胶质母细胞瘤在发病年龄、性别方面无差别(P=0.152,P=0.278)。胶质肉瘤的脑膜侵袭率为63.6%(14/22),胶质母细胞瘤的侵袭率为33.7%(31/92),两者有显著差别(2=6.662,P=0.01),两种病变在大小、水肿程度,强化形态、病变分布方面无差别(P=0.343,P=0.464,P=0.795,P=0.399)。结论脑胶质肉瘤比胶质母细胞更易侵及局部脑膜。 Objective To compare the findings between cerebral glioblastoma and gliosarcoma on routine MRI. Methods Twenty-two patients with cerebral gliosarcoma and 92 patients with cerebral glioblastoma were retrospectively analyzed, focused on the routine MRI findings. The two kinds of tumors were compared in patients' age and sex, tumor volume, peritumoral edema, enhanced patterns, tumor locations, and the involvement of leptomeninges. Results Patients with cerebral gliosarcoma and those with glioblastoma were not different in age and sex ( P =0. 152, P =0. 278). Involvement of cerebral leptomeninges was revealed in 63. 6% (14/22) of cerebral gliosarcoma and 83. 7% (31/92) in glioblastomas. The difference was significant (χ2 =6. 662, P =0.01). The two kinds of tumors showed no difference in tumor volume ( P =0. 343), peritumoral edema ( P =0. 464), enhanced patterns ( P =0. 795), and locations ( P =0. 399). Conclusion Compared with glioblastoma, gliosarcoma showed a tendency toward leptomeningeal involvement.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2013年第6期828-830,837,共4页 Journal of Medical Imaging
基金 国家高技术研究和发展计划(No.2012AA02A508)资助
关键词 胶质母细胞瘤 胶质肉瘤 脑膜 磁共振成像 Glioblastoma Gliosarcoma Meninges MRI
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