2010年9-11月,对贵州麻阳河自然保护区黑叶猴18种秋季主要食物以及9种次要食物的各取食部位进行采集并对各独立样本的粗蛋白(PROT)、粗脂肪、粗纤维(CF)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)等营养成分分别以凯氏定氮法、酸碱洗涤法和范式洗涤法进行测定,计算PROT/ADF比值.同时将所得到的各样本的营养含量与相应的秋季取食比例进行相关性分析,以了解秋季食物营养组分对黑叶猴食物选择的影响.结果显示:主要食物与次要食物除PROT/ADF比值有明显的差异外,在其他测定组分上均无显著性差异,18种主要食物的各测定营养组分以及PROT/ADF比值与相应的秋季采食比例之间均没有显著相关性.秋季采食的4种主要采食部位除在粗蛋白、NDF和PROT/ADF比值上有显著性差异外,在其他营养组分上没有显著性差异,且相关性检测表明各采食部位的冬季采食比例在粗蛋白、CF、ADF含量及PROT/ADF比值都显著相关,在其他营养组分上不显著相关.本研究结果表明麻阳河黑叶猴的秋季食物选择不受食物水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、NDF、ADF含量和PROT/AD F比值的影响.从食物选择上看,黑叶猴更偏好采食蛋白质含量高、粗纤维含量低的食物部位,如嫩叶与叶芽.
From September to November 2010, we collected samples of 18 major and 9 less-used food species of Francois' langur at Mayanghe Nature Reserve. We determined the water, crude protein, crude fiber, and acid detergent fiber (ADF), calculated the ratio of crude protein and acid detergent fiber (PROT/ADF) for each sample; and Tested the correlation between nutritional data and autumn feeding proportion of each sample via Spearman Correlation Rank. The Results showed that, except the PROT/ADF ratio, there were no significant differences between the major and less-used species in nutritional contents. And there were no significant correlations between the autumn feeding proportions of the 18 staple species and their corresponding nutritional contents, suggesting that the food species choice of the langurs in autumn was not influenced by the content of water, crude protein, crude fiber, NDF, ADF and PROT/ADF. But for the 4 autumn feeding items, there were significant differences between crude fiber, NDF and PROT/ADF, and significant correlations between crude fiber, CF, NDF and PROT/ADF. The resuits indicated that the choice of food components in autumn was also not influenced by the content of water, crude protein, crude fiber, ADF and PROT/ADF. As a result, Francois' langur preferred the higher crude protein and the less CF items, such as young leaves and buds.
Journal of China West Normal University(Natural Sciences)
Columbus Zoo
Primate Conservation Inc.(G#
Francois' langur (Trachypithecus francoisi)
food choice
major food species
Mayanghe Nature Reserve
nutritional contents