
基础振动下两自由度机械臂的鲁棒控制 被引量:2

Robust Control of Robotic Manipulator with Two Degrees of Freedom Based on Oscillatory Base
摘要 研究了基于基础振动的两自由度机械臂鲁棒控制问题。利用非线性状态反馈理论,对模型进行线性化处理,结合混合灵敏度理论,对所建立的机械臂动力学方程进行混合灵敏度频域整形。运用H∞控制理论和结构奇异值μ理论,建立了参数不确定系统的H∞控制框图,采用D-K迭代工具设计H∞控制器。仿真结果表明,在不需要基础运动测量的情况下,控制器能有效减少系统的外部干扰以及良好的鲁棒性能。 This paper deals with robust control problems of robotic manipulator with two degrees of freedom. A virtual linear plant is constructed using the nonlinear state feedback theory.The dynamic formula of the arm with two degree of freedom is shaped in the frequency domain using the mixed sensitivity theory. The H∞control block for the system with parametric uncertainty is constructed u- sing the H= theory and the structural singular value p theory. The H∞ controller is designed using the D-K iteration toolbox in MAT- LAB. Some simulation results demonstrate that the designed controller can be used to desirably attenuate the disturbances and pro- vide the robust performance without any measurements of the base motion.
出处 《机械制造与自动化》 2013年第3期155-157,161,共4页 Machine Building & Automation
关键词 两自由度机械臂 混合灵敏度 迭代 控制 robotic manipulator with two degrees of freedom mixed sensitivity D-K iteration control H∞
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