1990年4月下旬我们在准噶尔盆地古尔班通古特沙漠的南缘荒漠地区,从采集的亚洲璃眼蜱(Hyalomm asiaticum asiaticum)中分离到2株可引起乳鼠发病和在细胞培养中复制的病原。经血清学鉴定,包括交叉补体结合,间接免疫荧光和抗新疆出血热McAb(14B_7株)致敏血球的RPHA和RPHI试验证实为新疆出血热病毒。并采集了在荒漠牧场中放牧的羊群血清148份及放牧人员血清21份。用新疆出血热McAb RPHI法从羊血清中查到抗体阳性血清107份(72.3%)人群血清抗体阳性者2份(9.5%)。 上述结果首次证实了新疆北疆的准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠地带存在新疆出血热病毒的自然疫源地,该地区是北疆农牧业生产的主要地区和石油工业的新开发区,也是北疆主要的冬季牧场。
Two strains of Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever virus (XHF virus) have been isolated from the tick Hyalomma asiaticum collected in a semi-desert area in the southern margin of Junggar Basin in April, 1990. These viruses were pathogenic with fatal prognosis to suckling mice and could be replicated in LLC-MK2, VeroE6 and BHK2, cell lines. Serological identification including cross complement fixation test, indirect immunofluorescent test, RPHA and RPHI with SRBCs sensitized by McAb (14B7 strain) revealed that these strains were similar antigenically to BA66019 strain (prototype) of XHF virus. A serological survey resulted that 107 of 148 sheep sera (72.3%) and 2 of 21 pastoralists' sera(9.5%) were positive in McAb-RPHI test.
These results revealed firstly that the natural foci of XHF virus existed in the semi-desert area of Junggar Basin. It is suggested that further investigation of this problem have economic importance to the development of this part in Xinjiang.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever
Natural foci
Junggar basin
Viral hemorrhagic fever
Hyalomm asiaticum asiaticum