实时图像处理系统是机器视觉技术重要发展方向之一,对于高速、大容量图像采集系统要求更为苛刻。以FPGA为硬件平台,结合嵌入式NIOS软核,设计了一套基于Camera Link的高速图像采集系统。同时对系统软件进行了仿真,对系统硬件进行了模块化设计与综合调试,对系统上电实际测试,满足设计要求。
Real-time image processing is an important developing direction of machine vision system. To meet the requirement of high-speed real-time image processing, the image acquisition system must achieve rigorous standards. This paper using the FPGA as the hardware platform, combining with embedded NIOS soft-core, design a higb-speed image acquisition system based on Camera Link. Simulated the software system by the ModelSim, designed the hardware as modular parts and pass integrated debugging, tested the system actually, and met design requirement.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology