目的:了解广西南丹县近8年法定传染病中的梅毒、淋病、艾滋病和HIV阳性病例情况,分析其流行特征和规律,为制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法:收集该县2004~2011年的法定传染病梅毒、淋病、AIDS/HIV阳性病例疫情资料采用Excel软件进行统计分析。结果:全县8年共报告梅毒、淋病、艾滋病和HIV阳性病例共1 660例,人群发病率为70.59人/10万,女性高于男性,病例分布各年龄组和各乡镇及各种职业。其中淋病547例人群发病率23.26人/10万。梅毒997例发病率42.39人/10万。AIDS/HIV阳性病例共116例发病率4.93人/10万,AIDS/HIV死亡共25例,人群死亡率为1.06人/10万。15~64岁年龄组占总病例89.88%。农民发病人数占40.42%。梅毒和AIDS/HIV阳性病例近几年呈现平行上升较明显。结论:该县淋病、梅毒、AIDS/HIV阳性病例已从城市向农村、从高危人群向普通人群扩散,并以性传播为主,其防治任务严峻。
Objective:To determine legal infectious diseases syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS and HIV cases in Duan county nearly 8 years and to analyze the epidemiological characteristics and to provide information for developing public health intervention. Methods:Data about syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS / HIV patients with were collected using Excel software for statistical analysis from 2004 to 2011. Results: This county reported 8 years of syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS and HIV -positive cases were 1660 cases of population inci- dence rate of 70.59/100000, the women more than in men, the distribution of cases in all age groups and various occupations in each the towns. Of which 547 cases of gonorrhea incidence rate of 23.26/100 thousand. 997 cases of syphilis incidence of 42.39/100 thou- sand. The AIDS/HIV -positive cases were 116cases, the incidence rate of 4.93/100 thousand, AIDS/HIV deaths a total of 25 cases, the mortality rate of 1.06/100 thousand for this countyg major infectious diseases causing death. The 15 - 64 age group accounted for 89.88% of total cases and the number of cases accounted for 40.42% farmers. The syphilis and AIDS/HIV positive cases in recent years, showing the parallel rise more apparent. Conclusions: This countyg gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS/HIV -positive cases from urban to rural, from high -risk groups to the general population spread, and mainly sexually transmitted, its control task very difficult.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health