The production rates of glucose and levulinic acid were investigated in the process of hydrolysis when peanut shell was regarded as biomass hydrolysis raw material, in which used sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid as acid catalyst, and supersonic oscillation, lye processing, microwave ex- posure were choiced as pretreatment methods. The results indicated that the production rate of levu- linic acid might achieve 23% with weightloss rate of 57% after 3h, in which hydrochloric acid was uti- lized as primarily catalyst and 6 % of ferrous sulfate was added as promoter, through supersonic oscil- lated for lh. This was advantageous not only to the production of levulinic acid, but also to the reduc- tion of raw material. It was difficult for raw material to produce levulinic acid through lye processing, but weightloss rate was enhanced to above 60 %. It was obvious that lye processing could only dissolve the lignin, but could not promote the hydrolysis degree of cellulose and hemicellulose. The production rate of le- vulinic acid achieved 30% after 4.5h microwave exposure for 15rain when adopted sulfuric acid as catalyst.
Journal of Peanut Science
peanut shell
acid hydrolysis
levulinic acid