This article introduces the structure of intelligent car system with camera function: Under the independent control of MC9S12XS128 MCU, OV6620 digital camera is used to realize the pick-up head control,image data acquisition and processing, etc. With MSP430F449 CPU as a main controller, the 16 bit CCR module integrated in CPU is utilized to achieve the differential-speed control of left and right wheel of the motor as well as the car speed detection, human-computer interaction, distance measurement, etc. This system adopts double CPU structure, and the image-processing and actuating mechanism can be controlled by the each CPU independently. This method greatly improves the precision of system and the real time of re- sponse. In addition,the real-time working state of the system can be known through the LCD. This system can not only fulfill the functions of tracking and obstacle avoidance;but also be used for the occasions such as remote-searching, etc.
Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology