硅IGBT已经广泛用于轨道牵引变频器,不久的将来,碳化硅(SiC)技术将在3个方向上进一步扩展开关器件的极限:更高的阻断电压、更高的工作温度和更高的开关速度。如今,第一批SiC MOSFET模块已经有效的投向市场,并且很有希望。虽然目前在阻断电压方面仍有待提高,但这些宽禁带器件将大大改善牵引电路的效率,尤其是在开关损耗上预期会有显著的降低,从而导致功率-重量比的大幅改善。
Silicon IGBT has been widely applied to rail traction transducers, and in the near future, SiC technology will further extend the limits of switch components in three aspects, that is, higher blocking voltage, higher work temperature and higer switch speed. Till now, the first batch of SiC MOSFET modules have been put into market, which proves to be effective and promising. Though the blocking voltage is yet to be improved, the high-gap components will significantly improve the efficiency of traction circuits, especially the switch loss is expected to reduce distincly, which in turn results in the great improvement of the rate of power and weight.
The World of Power Supply