目的研究杭州地区2009年至2012年甲型H1N1流感病毒血凝素(HA)与神经氨酸酶(NA)的基因进化特征,分析该病毒的遗传变异和抗原的分子水平转变。方法用RT-PCR分别扩增甲型H1N1流感病毒HA基因和NA基因片段并进行测序,用DNAMAN和MEGA 4.0生物信息学软件对HA和NA基因序列进行进化分析。结果建立的RT-PCR可成功检测HA(C)、HA(D)和NA基因,遗传进化分析结果表明,杭州地区甲型H1N1流感病毒的HA与NA氨基酸序列的亲缘系数与WHO推荐的病毒株及国内代表株的同源性均为98.9%~100%;三维构象结果表明,HA编码的蛋白质有5个位点发生改变,而NA编码的蛋白质仅发生2个位点改变。结论 2009年至2011年杭州地区甲型H1N1流感病毒HA和NA基因序列与世界范围内流行的病毒参考株具有高度同源性,但HA与NA蛋白质表位存在某些氨基酸位点的改变。
Objective To explore the evolutionary characteristics of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of influenza A (H1N1) virus in Hangzhou region between 2009 and 2012, and analyze the viral genetic variation and antigenic change on molecular level. Methods HA and NA genes were amplified by RT-PCR and their sequencing performed. The evolution analysis of the obtained gene order was made with the bioinformaties software such as DNAMAN and MEGA 4.0. Results The HA ( C ) , HA (D) and NA genes from 15 isolates of HIN1 virus were amplified successfully by RT-PCR. The homology of HA and NA between isolates from Hang- zhou region and the strains recommended by WHO and between isolates and the native reference strains were 98.9% - 100%. Three dimension structure indicated that there were 5 mutation sites in HA protein and 2 in NA. Conclusion There was high homology of HA and NA between influenza A (H1N1) virus isolates from Hangzhou region during 2009 -2011 and epidemic reference strains in the world. However, some mutation sites of amino acid existed in the HA and NA proteins.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science