神经氨酸酶(NA)是流感病毒主要表面糖蛋白之一,属于Ⅱ型膜蛋白,其单体为蘑菇形状.由胞内域、极性跨膜区、柄部、头部4部分组成,在膜上以四聚体形式存在.神经氨酸酶在流感病毒中的功能是切去感染细胞和血凝素上的N-乙酰神经氨酸,以利于子代病毒离开感染细胞,继续感染新细胞.NA的不同区域在流感病毒生活周期中具有不同的作用.NA胞内域在流感病毒生活周期中具有控制病毒颗粒形状的作用;NA跨膜区在将NA转移至内质网中起信号作用和将NA固定在膜上的作用;NA柄部连接NA的头部与跨膜区,使NA 头部远离病毒膜,以利于NA与底物结合;NA头部包含有糖基化位点、NA酶活性中心和抗原位点.对这些不同区域功能研究的深入,将有利于对神经氨酸酶在流感病毒传播中的作用的了解,并对流感病毒的预防或治疗等具有实际意义.
Neuraminidase (NA) is one of influenza virus surface glycoproteins. It belongs to type Ⅱ trans-membrane glycoprotein and appears on the virus membrane as a homotetramer. Its monomer has a mushroom-like shape and consists of four parts from its amino-terminus to carboxy-terminus: a short cytoplasmic tail, a transmembrane domain, a stalk region and a globular head. The function of NA protein is to facilitate release and spreading of virions in the virus cycle by removing sialic acids from both viral and cellular surfaces. It is suggested that different domain of the NA play a different role in the virus cycle. The cytoplasmic tail of NA controls influenza particle shape. The transmembrane domain has functions both as a signal sequence for translocation of the protein across the endoplasmic reticulum and as a transmembrane sequence for anchoring the protein in the membrane. The stalk region separates the head from the viral. The globular domain possesses the glycosylation sites, antigenic epitopes and the enzyme active site. Now more and more works have been done on the functions of the NA different domain. These would be favorable not only for the understanding of the role of NA in virus cycle but also for preventing and curing the influenza.
Life Science Research