在研究混沌建模的基础上开发了PHB(聚 β 羟基丁酸 )混合培养过程供氧的节律控制方法 .在PHB混合培养体系中 ,二种菌共存于同一发酵罐 ,其中乳酸杆菌首先消耗葡萄糖产生乳酸 ,与此同时真养产碱杆菌消耗乳酸最终产生PHB .这是两个相互耦合的过程 ,前者为需氧过程 ,后者为厌氧过程 .实验证明供氧的节律控制能够协调互相矛盾的两种代谢过程 ,是多菌共存生态系统优化控制的新尝试 .
Based on chaos control method, the method of optimal control on oxygen supply in the PHB mixed cultivation process was studied . Two kinds of microorganisms coexist in the same fermentor for mixed cultivation, in which L.delbrueckii converted glucose into lactate acid first, while R. eutropha consumed lactate acid to produce PHB. The two processes were coupled, and the former was aerobic while the latter was anaerobic. It was proved by experiments that the rhythmical control of oxygen supply could compromise the two conflict metabolism processes and provide a novel method on optimal control in symbiotic ecosystem.