
工作压力和社会支持对高校教师绩效的影响 被引量:35

The effect of work stress and social support on college teachers’job performance
摘要 本文通过实证调研工作压力和社会支持对高校教师工作绩效的影响后发现:(1)高校教师的工作压力较高,特别是高工作要求低收入、工作量大工作时间长而产生的压力;教师获得的社会支持较多来源于家人和朋友,来自上级和组织的支持较少;社会支持形式多为情感支持,工具支持和信息支持较少。(2)五种压力源与压力症状具有显著正相关;工作量大时间长压力源与关系绩效显著负相关;高工作要求低收入、工作量大时间长与任务绩效显著负相关。(3)工作压力源、社会支持对压力症状具有一定的预测作用,压力症状是工作压力源与社会支持作用于工作绩效的中介变量。(4)社会支持对关系绩效有显著直接影响,对任务绩效没显著直接影响。文章最后根据实证分析结果,从学校、主管领导、家人、朋友和自身等五个方面提出高校教师压力管理和社会支持对策建议。 Through the empirical investigation, the effect of social support and work stress on college teachers' job performance is studied. Results are as follows : ( 1 ) College teachers' work stress is higher, the stress is caused by high job demand, low pay, and long working hours for teaching and scientific research ; teachers get more social support from families and friends rather than from colleagues and superiors. And they get more emotional support, less instrumental support and informational support from society. (2) Five dimensions of work stressor are significantly positive correlated with the symptom of stress. The work stressor due to heavy workload and long working hours is significantly negative correlated with the contextual performance; while high job demand, low pay, heavy workload, and long working hours are significantly negative correlated with task performance. ( 3 ) Both work stressor and social support possess the certain prediction function on the symptoms of stress ; the symptoms are the intermediary variables affecting the work performance by work stressor and social support. (4) Social support has a directly posi-tive effect on contextual performance, however not on task performance. Finally, according to the results of empirical analysis, from the five aspects of school, leadership, family, friend, and oneself, the measures for improving the work stress management and social support for college teachers are put forward.
作者 方阳春
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期136-143,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 浙江工业大学人文社科预研项目“工作压力和社会支持对科技人才自我效能感及行为表现的影响机制研究”(1103122023708) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(09YJC630206) 浙江省软科学项目(2011C35005)
关键词 工作压力 社会支持 高校教师 压力症状 工作绩效 work stress social support college teacher the symptom of stress job performance
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